Recipe│Spinch Fried Rice

I love a simple and plain fried rice with just eggs and some green onions; super easy, quick and affordable. In this recipe I added a couple more ingredients to add more texture and flavor to it. It's still simple and delicious and most of all, it would probably take you just a few more seconds to put together. The spinach here is key to give it a soft element which in my opinion, really elevates this dish. (中文)

Ingredients (yield 2 to 3 servings):
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 green onion, chopped, separate the white and the green parts
2 eggs
1 1/2 cup cooked rice
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/3 cup corn kernels
A bunch of spinach 
1. Heat a wok on medium, add oil and white part of green onion. Cook until fragrant.
2. Push green onion to one side, add 2 eggs. Beat them beforehand or break them in the wok as preferred.
3. Once eggs start to get cooked on the bottom, add rice directly on top.
4. Turn heat to high, mix rice, green onion and eggs. Stir occasionally. If there are lumps of rice, let it cook for a little bit and use spatula to gently press it down. If lumps seem hard, let it cook for longer and press it again.
5. Once rice is separate, add salt and pepper. Mix well.
6. Add corn and remaining green onion. Heat them through and mix well, about 1 minute.
7. Turn heat off and stir in spinach. Taste and adjust seasoning.
I hope you give this recipe a try and let me know how you like the spinach in the fried rice. I'd like to know your opinions!

Wanna try a different flavored fried rice? Check Curry Fried Rice

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