Recipe│Curry Fried Rice

Got some leftover rice and want something that's quick to put together? Here is a solution for you! (中文)

Ingredients (yields 1 serving):
1 tbsp unsalted butter
1/2 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tbsp curry powder
2 eggs
1/2 cup cooked rice
1/4 cup corn kernels
Salt and pepper, to taste
Some cucumber, sliced
Parsley or green onion for garnish (optional)
1. Heat a pan or a wok on medium, add butter until melted.
2. Add onion and cook until translucent.
3. Add garlic and curry powder, then cook until well combined and fragrant. Stir constantly to avoid burning curry powder.
4. Push all ingredients to one side and drizzle a little bit of vegetable oil to the empty side. Add eggs and cook until bottom of eggs is slightly cooked.
5. Add rice to eggs and turn heat to medium high. Mix well with all ingredients until eggs are cooked and rice grains are all separated easily. Stir occasionally.
6. Stir in corns to heat up, about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Taste and adjust seasoning.
7. Serve with with some cucumber slices. Garnish with parsley or green onion.
1. Every brand of curry powder has different saltiness, make sure to taste before adding more salt.
2. Cucumber slices are served to cut the heaviness from the curry and also to add some vegetables to this dish.

This fried rice is quick and easy to make and the curry powder just makes it so flavourful! Adding cucumber slices is a game changer; I highly recommend you not skipping it!

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