Recipe│Pan Seared Curry Chicken Breast


This is the first chicken breast recipe I have ever tried; I'm really confident to say that. I've learned this recipe way before I started loving cooking years and years ago. Yes, it's been that long that I could no longer find the original recipe online. I still love it until this day. So, let's check it out! (中文)

Ingredients (Yield 1 serving):
1 tbsp curry powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 chicken breast, boneless
1/2 tbsp vegetable oil 

1. Mix curry powder, salt and pepper in a shallow bowl or a plate.
2. Pat chicken breast dry with paper towels and coat it with curry mixture. Tap off the excess.
3. Heat a non-stick pan on medium-high, add oil. When hot, add chicken breast.
4. Cook both large sides for 1 minute each, gently press the meat and make sure meat is heated evenly. Then cook all small sides for 30 seconds each.

5. Turn heat to medium-low, cover with lid and let it cook for 4 minutes on each large side; 5 minutes if chicken is thick (8 to 10 minutes in total).
6. Remove chicken from the pan and let it rest for 5 minutes.
1. Cook the chicken on even lower heat if not using a lid; cooking time will be longer until inner temperature in the thickest part reaches 150°F(65°C).
2. It is recommended to cook the chicken right before serving. It gets dried up after being reheated.

This is a flavourful, low-fat and non-drying chicken breast recipe. You can have it with rice and some vegetables, cauliflower rice if you are focusing on fitness, or have it with Spinach Fried Rice like the first picture!


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