Fitness│I Walked 10000 Steps and Supported a Local Business a Day for One Week

Last week I finished a challenge to walk 10000 steps a day for a week (Check out my results). I thought I'd like to do the challenge for another week, but with a twist that is to support a local business each day. This way I get to show my support to the businesses and have different treats everyday. I think it's amazing.

This is a 7-day, full-week challenge. Let's check out where I visited and what I had to treat myself! (中文)

Day 1 - Sept. 11

I have planned to visit some places today and basically spend the whole afternoon outside. First was lunch, I went to Pho Goodness on Main Street where I haven't been for a looong time. This is my second favorite pho place in Vancouver!

I ordered Pho with raw beef and beef balls with extra beef balls. I actually ordered spicy satay in the soup, but the kitchen forgot which was okay because the classic clear broth is always my go-to.

It was satisfying having extra beef balls after 6 months not eating any pho! I took some time to walk around Main Street after lunch since I haven't been here for a while. I then went to the second place when my stomach prepared some room for the next round.

The second place was a place I haven't been for more than 2 years, 49th Parallel Coffee; I love their Lucky's Doughnuts and of course today I came for the doughnuts! Indoor seats are not available at the moment and there are probably 8 tables outside. The weather was really nice to sit outside and get some sunlight, but the air quality was just...uhh.

When I visited here I've always ordered the combo of one doughnut and a coffee ($6). This time I ordered a second doughnut just because I haven't been here for so long and I couldn't help myself. I did finish both of the doughnuts before I left. They didn't have salted caramel which is my all-time favorite, so I got a pistachio ring and a sourdough.

The pistachio ring is covered with sticky pistachio syrup and it tastes so good! The sourdough is alright. Salted caramel is my ultimate favorite though.

After fulfilling my desire for doughnuts, I took the excess calories and sugar high and walked to Michaels. It was my first time shopping at Michaels and I kept wodering why I didn't came here earlier. There are so many craft supplies as well as stationary, home decor, and even baking supplies. I just loved everything there and I am sure I will be coming back a lot more often. Didn't take any pictures in the store, but I'd like to show you the air quality that was just bad...

Me coming home with a happy heart after being outside all day! 

Let's check out today's results: total 12354 steps and 1716 calories burned.


Day 2 - Sept. 12

Air quality was seriously horrible today. I could feel my nose become quite sensitive even when I was indoors and I had a second thought whether I should go out or not. However, since I've already started the challenge yesterday and I really didn't want to stop. I put on my mask and took the walk.

Mask up and carry on!

Today I chose to visit Tim Hortons which can be considered as the equivalent of the Starbucks of Canada. Initially I wanted to get a vanilla latte, but when I saw that they now have pumpkin spice latte, I couldn't help but getting one without whipped cream. The weather was actually chilling, so it was quite cozy to have a warm coffee in the store plus the air quality wasn't perfect for anyone to have a drink in their hands and drink as they walk lol. 

Met a super sweet and friendly cat on my way home. My heart was melted.

It came to me right away while I was walking by the house. Awwww.

Today's results: 10099 steps and burned 1690 calories.

Day 3 - Sept. 13

This day was a bit different because I was feeling quite unwell and demotivated. Since I left my place quite late, I decided to take my treat before I started my walk. 

Business of the day was My Frosty Korean Dessert Cafe; it's not a big place, but it's quite cozy. There are about 4 to 5 tables for dine-in.

Before coming here I wanted to have a matcha latte and that's all, but when I arrived, I changed my mind. I ordered a piece of waffle with strawberries and nutella as toppings just because I felt like I needed it for a day like this. I like how they served the waffle in a tray that seems to be non-slip which allowed me to comfortably cut the waffle in the tray without worrying that the whole waffle would fly out along with the tray while I tried to cut it. The waffle was quite tasty, I think I finished it in 5 minutes.

Later during my walk I found this small section for community garden share and in the drawers there were some seeds as well. The small blue table was for deliveries with a thank you note on top which I think added such a sweet touch.

Air quality was still bad that I couldn't tell if it's smoke or fog.

Today's results: 10016 steps and 1678 calories burned.

Day 4 - Sept. 14

It was also quite a slow day that I left my place in the late afternoon. The air felt quite humid and I guessed it was half fog and half smoke in the air. However the air quality was still dangerous though.

It started to rain in the middle of my walk.

Today I came to the bakery recommended by my housemate, 1st Ave Bakery, a Chinese bakery. I came here because I haven't had any Chinese/Asian baked goods for quite some time. I know that in the T&T next door there is their own Asian bakery, but I just prefer the small bakery a little bit more. They sell mostly Asian baked goods and a few options of European style bread.

I wanted to get one pineapple bun, but when I was in the store I saw taro pastries which I haven't got a chance to try for years. I just had to get it! Hence I ended up with a taro pastry and a tiny pineapple bun.

I had the taro pastry right when I got home. Look at the proportion of the filling, such satisfaction! The flavour is actually not very sweet, I'd say it's very mild sweetness that won't get you sick of the taste. The pastry is also very flaky which is a plus.

Today's results: 10083 steps and 1700 calories burned.

Day 5 - Sept. 15

Remember the pineapple bun I got yesterday? I had it today before heading out for my walk. The size is perfect for a quick snack and leaves some room in my stomach for more treats!

Air quality was better today, so was my mood. :)

I see autumn coming!

Treat of the day is my favorite thing ever, bubble tea! There are so many Taiwanese bubble tea brands here in Vancouver, and today I went to Sharetea. I ordered my recent favorite drink: Oolng milk tea with pearls, 30% sugar and no ice. The staff was really nice that they also gave me crackers from an old Taiwanese brand, ahhh almost got me homesick.

Today's results: 10916 steps and burned 1779 calories.


Day 6 - Sept. 16

Air quality was still baaaaad. Look how red the sun was. Although it's quick beautiful in my opinion, but...I prefer good clean air.

Today I visited Starbucks. I originally wanted to get a vanilla latte, but I've been seeing many YouTubers rave about pumpkin cream cold brew that I thought I had to get one.

It really was quite tasty. The pumpkin cream on top wasn't too sweet. I highly recommend to remove the lid when drinking and make sure that you get some cream in each sip; that's the key to make this drink taste real nice.

So I have been to 4 coffee shops and still haven't got any vanilla latte which I have been craving for a while lol. 

Results of the day: 10393 steps and 1762 calories burned.

Day 7 - Sept. 17
Here comes the last day and I looked damn tired! Actually I was tired.

Today I decided to visit 2 places on Commercial Drive. The first one was my favorite Italian bakery: Fratelli.

Luckily I arrived before they closed. I got my favorite red velvet and cannolis with 2 different fillings. I did save this box of sweets for breakfast the next day.

Second place I went was about 3 minutes walk from the bakery. It is Belgian Fries, a fast food restaurant that is famous for their fries and poutines, the quintessential food of Canada. The gravy they serve is vegetarian so if you don't eat meat, it is the place to enjoy poutines. However, I wasn't feeling poutine today, instead I got a small cone of fries to go. I recommend ordering the fries extra crispy if you are not eating in the restaurant right it is made. 

The fries ended up being a part of my snack and a part of my dinner. I was so full this day.

Results of the day: 12737 steps and 1955 calories burned. I should have worked out a little bit harder today to make it to 2000 calories!

This is everything for this challenge. The only downside is the air quality, I couldn't walk too much outside even if I wanted to. Through this challenge I got to visit some new places and old places that I haven't been to for some time. The fact that I have tried different treats for 7 days straight also comforts my not-so-great mood this week. I'm grateful for this idea and to actually do it. I hope you found some places you want to visit as well. :)

I think this will be the end of the 10000 steps a day challenge because my legs are sore! Lol.

Follow me on Instagram: asteffyo
