Fitness│I Tried Walking 10000 Steps a Day for a Week

Ever since I purchased a Fitbit fitness tracker, it reminds me several time a day to get up and walk as well as showing me know now many steps I have walked the whole day. I thought I had been walking close to 10000 steps prior to buying the tracker. I thought working out would really increase my daily steps, but obviously it wasn't enough. I was just walking around 5000 steps a day including my workout. (中文)

I guess it explains why I wasn't overweight when I used to work at a fast food restaurant, eating fast food or fried items almost everyday. When it got busy, it felt like I was doing sprints for 5 to 8 hours straight. Moreover, I spent 40 to 50 minutes walking between the workplace and my place. I guess I was burning enough calories back then. 

So, the first challenge after I finished calculating my calorie intake is to walk 10000 steps a day (check out my less carbs diet). Just to make sure that I don't start gaining weight too fast. 

Here's how everything went!

Day 1 - Sept. 4

Today was my cheat day and I didn't have to work out. I did walk some distance, 20 minutes to lunch with my friend, 10 minutes to grocery shopping, and 30 minutes home. 

I like to look around the flowers and plants along the way. They are gifts from nature.

I had some rest after I got home and later I did house chores to make up the steps. In total I walked 11150 steps and burned 1773 calories.


Day 2 - Sept. 5

I had a slow start today. For some reason I always start really slow on Saturday. I left my place in the very late afternoon to finish the remaining 6000-ish steps. 

More flowers

In this week, everyday after finishing my walk I'd treat myself with a glass of sweet mung beans and milk. It's much needed!

Today's results: 11099 steps, 1726 calories burned.

Day 3 - Sept. 6

Left the house a bit earlier today, but I got too many steps to make up. It took me almost an hour and a half to complete the goal. Exhausted! It was also very hot so I had the mung beans and milk right after I got home. Soon after that I started my dinner almost immediately.

I see autumn coming!

Found this in a random neighborhood.

Today's results: 10968 steps and 1736 calories.


Day 4 - Sept. 7

I also left the house early in the afternoon and completed 7600 steps in one hour and a half. My legs was so sore and tired that I had to take a bath to relax my muscles. It was divine.

It was hoooottt!

Results of the day: total 11682 steps and 1744 calories.

Day 5  - Sept. 8

I had planned to go to a beach that's about 40 minutes walk today, but I was running out of food and there were just 5000 steps I had to finish. I decided to go for grocery shopping. 

There was already some smoke in the air. :(

I spent some time in the supermarket and that gave me more steps. Lol.


Results: almost 14000 steps and 1847 calories burned. I wish I could transfer the extra 4000 steps to tomorrow haha.


Day 6 - Sept. 9

I felt extra tired because I got my period today. Out for a short walk and went back home because I was sooooo tired. Did some meal prep and went out for a second round later in the evening.

I love this evening view so much. Beautiful sunset.

Today's results: even though I was tired, I still walked 11056 steps and burned 1721 calories. (I slept so well that night lol.)

Day 7 - Sept. 10 

Last day! 

I didn't leave the house until it became dark. It was scorching hot during the day; I was already sweating sitting at home doing nothing. 

Results of the last day: 10156 steps and 1800 calories.


How I felt after one week: 

I felt really tired this week. I think increasing the exercise definitely had burned more energy in my body, that's for sure, and the second reason could be my period; I always get tired during this time of a month (TMI? :) ). I was very glad that I completed this challenge. It wasn't too difficult to walk 10000 steps, but for those who sit at work most of the time, it could be quite a challenge even if they do exercises.

Another thing I'd like to mention is the heart rate during walking. I guess it could be more efficient for calorie burn if it's kept higher than 90 bpm. I did try to make sure my heart rate was at least at 90 bpm if I could...but let's be honest, most of the time I just wanted to finish the walk as fast as I could and go home for my post-walk treat. Lol.

I guess some of you are more interested in the weight change:

No change at all! Lol. I really believe that I am at my preset weight already. If I want to lose more weight I have to do more intense workouts plus a stricter diet which I'm not interested in doing at the moment. I have to put a disclaimer again, I did not do this to lose weight. I'm very happy and satisfied with where I'm at right now.

So there you have it! This is the challenge. I think it was definitely fun to do; I chose a different route each day and visited new neighborhoods. The best part is, of course, the post-walk treat, sweet mung beans and milk. It was extra delicious after accomplishing a daily challenge!

Follow me on Instagram: asteffyo
