Recipe│Savory Oatmeal Porridge

I recently have gone back to making savory oatmeal porridge. I had this very often around the same time last year and I just really missed it. It's comforting and filling. You can add whatever you like. The recipe I'm sharing today is the flavour I make most often. Keep reading! (中文)

Ingredients (Yields 1 serving):
1/3 cup quick oats
100g tofu, cut into cubes
1/2 can tuna
1/4 cup corn kernel
1 egg
A bunch of spinach or vegetable of your choice
Salt, pepper and chili powder to taste
1 1/2 cup water
1. In a pot, bring 1 1/2 cup water to a boil, add oatmeal and cook until slightly thickened.
2. Add tofu, corn, tuna, salt and pepper. Cook for 1 minute just the heat them up.
3. Add egg and let it cook to your preferred doneness.
4. Turn heat off and stir in spinach.
5. Add chili powder as preferred. Adjust seasoning if needed.
1. If using more sturdy vegetables, add it before step 2.
2. I like to add egg unbeaten and break it as it cooks, but feel free to quickly beat it before adding it to the porridge or cook it whole without even touching it as preferred.
3. Add some edamame for extra protein!
Another easy recipe shared! I hope you give this a try and let me know how you like it and what you add in your porridge!
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