Diary│I was an Ultra Lazy Couch Potato for One Day

After finishing 2 consecutive weeks of walking 10000 steps a day, I decided to take a break on the 15th day; I mean, a HUGE break, so I decided to write down everything I did on this particularly lazy day. To ensure that I take this break to its maximum potential, I tried really hard to finish everything I'd normally do on a typical Friday on Thursday, because I really wanted to be as lazy as humanly possible on this day.

So here's the plan: I would move as less as possible, I would eat whenever and whatever I want, and be as immobile as possible. (中文)

Even though I'd like to live this day as lazy as possible, I still wanted to wake up early and be lazy from the early start. Well, that didn't happen. I woke up at 10-ish and I stayed in bed using my phone until 11. I had the box of dessert I got on the previous day from my favorite Italian bakery and a cup of coffee au lait. Can you tell my laziness? I didn't even put the sweets on the plate for the photo!

I really love red velvet cake, why is it so yummy? The cannolis were also really good. I think this much sweetness is the max I could take before I start to feel sick. 

For breakfast I had 665 calories...damn that's 200 more calories than my usual brekkie.

I was watching YouTube when enjoying my breakfast and afterwards I started to watch a movie from Taiwan Film Festival. The new release of today was "Nina Wu." However, I didn't finished it and I thought I'd watch it later in the day. Well, I totally forgot...

Around 1pm I ordered delivery from McDonald's. I could have walked to the restaurant and have take out by myself, but I wanted to be as immobile as possible; I refused to leave my house! Since the driver couldn't find where exactly my place is, I had to wait for him outside my door... and I also forgot there's a zero contact delivery policy! For this reason, I walked a few dozens of steps, but the delivery was fairly quickly today which made me really happy.


These are all the things I ordered for lunch. 10 McNuggets value meal with a large fries and a medium coke. Plus a cheeseburger and a M&M McFlurry.

It's been a really long time since I had a McFlurry. There are lots of M&Ms; very satisfied.

I then crawled back to bed to enjoy my lunch and watch other films from TWFF. Normally I don't eat in bed, but for this particular day I am trying to be as lazy as possible. In Taiwanese saying, if I can lie down I would not be sitting; hence I chose to stay in bed. I watched "Foolish Bride, Naive Bridegroom," a Taiwanese movie which was released in 1967. The story was a bit ridiculous, but very funny and I loved the sense of humour in the old films as well as the black and white vibes. I also watched a short film "Like Father, Like Daughter" which was a tribute to the old one. 

Black and white speaks my vibe.

No lies, I really was eating in bed.

Totally I had 2195 calories for lunch lol. McFlurry is such a little devil in calories!! Side note, it did take me a few hours to finish my lunch tho. I'm a pretty slow eater.

After watching the films and enjoying my unhealthy lunch, my blood sugar went highhhhhh. I took sometime relaxing in bed. Just relaxing, I didn't fall asleep (for real).

At 6pm I started to get a bit hungry. I decided to have some instant noodles because I had enough fast food today. Here's my favorite Thai noodles, Mama in tom yum shrimp flavour! 

It is key to always add an egg to any instant noodles to make it extra delicious!

While cooking the noodles, I also had a banana and chopped up a red bell pepper to make up a part of my daily fruits and veggie intake.

Dinner's got 468 calories which was reasonable for a meal, but the nutrients were not that ideal.

I had a quick nap after dinner and decided to watch another movie to end this day. The movie I chose was "Interstellar" which I already watched last week, but I just love it so much!

For movie time of course I needed snacks! First up I had tostadas with hummus. I had very good self-control to only take 3 shells. I love totadas so much that I can eat half of the package with no dips nor toppings. 

Since I had only 3 shells of tostadas, I needed something else to satisfy my appetite, and you guessed it, more chips! I had 3 different kinds of chips lol. I was such a happy kid.

Got real thirsty after eating all the crunchy goods, so I had a whole bottle of sparkling water.

The non-stop eating lasted until almost midnight. I had to stop because I was really full, haha! During snack time I had 1341 calories that's close to the total of what I eat on a normal day lol. The caloric value is so low from the chips!

After all the movies and crazy eating, I took another short break to let my digest system does its job, and then showered and got ready for bed. I seriously haven't been soooo lazy for quite some time. 

Here's the macros from my entire day: 593 grams of carbs, 215 grams of fat, and 104 grams of protein. Way too much carbs and fat for me, obviously.

Total calories intake: 4669 calories. I was expecting something like 5000 or 6000-ish. Well, I guess I wasn't too far from it!

My movement and calories burned throughout the day. I walked 1123 steps and burned 1302 calories. I can't believe I walked more than 1000 steps and burned more than 1300 calories!? I was expecting to walk less than 1000 steps and burn less than 1200 calories, it must have been those steps I took when helping the delivery guy. Lol.

I got excess calories as 4996-1302 = 3694. Since 1kg is about 7700 calories, I'll be gaining 1kg every 2 and a half days. That's a bit scary.

Alright, after having this ultra lazy day without even changing my pajama, I actually felt refreshed and well recharged the next day. I think it can be sometimes necessary to have a day like this. Although it is really cozy and enjoyable doing nothing and eating fast food all day, it can cause damages to our bodies if we do it everyday. So, just once in a while to fully let go of all the hustle and stress!

Follow me on Instagram: asteffyo
